
阅读理解 The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam has welcomed home two paintings by the Dutch master, more than 14 years after they were ripped (抢) off the museum's wall in a nighttime theft. Museum director Axel Rueger called their return “one of the most special days in the history of the museum.” The paintings were discovered last year by Italian police while they were searching suspected Italian criminals' farmhouse near Naples for evidence of drug dealing. The two paintings were wrapped in cotton sheets. They were stuffed in a box and hidden behind a wall in a toilet when they were fou阅读下文,完成句子翻译。(4分)先生不知何许人也,亦不详其姓字;宅边有五柳树,因以为号焉。闲静少言,不慕荣利。好读书,不求甚解;每有会意,便欣然忘食。性嗜酒,家贫,不能常得,亲旧知其如此,或置酒而招之。造饮辄尽,期在必醉。既醉而退,曾不吝情去留。环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结,簟瓢屡空,晏如也!常著文章自娱,颇示己志。忘怀得失,以此自终。【小题1】每有会意,便欣然忘食。【翻译】                                      【小题2】环堵萧然,不蔽风日。 【翻译】                                       
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