
听材料,回答问题。 (1) How long has the speaker lived in a big city? A . One year. B . Ten years. C . Eighteen years. (2) What is the speaker's opinion on public transport? A . It's comfortable. B . It's time-saving. C . It's cheap. (3) What is good about living in a small town? A . It's safer. B . It's healthier. C . It's more convenient. (4) What kind of life do the speakers seem to like most? A . Busy. B . Colorful. C . Quiet.科研人员乘气球进行科学考察.气球、座舱、压舱物和科研人员的总质量为985kg.气球在空中停留一段时间后,发现气球漏气而下降,及时堵住.堵住时气球下降速度为1m/s,且做匀加速运动,10s内下降了35m. 为使气球再次上升,立即向舱外缓慢抛出一定的压舱物.此后经2分钟气球停止下降而开始上升,若空气阻力和泄漏气体的质量均可忽略,重力加速度g=9.80m/s2,求抛掉的压舱物的质量.
英语 试题推荐