
阅读理解Plastic recycling is a hot topic, But what's the real face behind if? You diligently sort your rubbish; you dutifully wash your plastic container; then everything gets thrown in a landfill or in the ocean anyway, According to one aalyx1s, only 9% of all plastic ever made has likely been recycled. Here' the kicker: the companies making all that plastic have spent millions on advertising campaigns lecturing us about recycling while knowing full well that most plastic will never be recycled. A new investigation byNational Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)rep达尔文环球航行到达加拉帕戈斯群岛的某岛屿时,发现这里仙人掌非常丰富,地雀的喙也与其他岛屿地雀的喙不同,大多尖而长(如下图)。对这一现象最合理的解释是( ) A. 喙尖而长的地雀比其他形状喙的地雀繁殖能力强B. 喙尖而长的地雀比其他形状喙的地雀更凶猛C. 喙尖而长的地雀比其他形状喙的地雀更高等D. 喙尖而长的地雀更适应在仙人掌丰富的岛屿生存
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