
能源、环境问题是保证我国可持续发展的关键,请回答下列问题: (1) 现在,我国还是以化石燃料为主要能源获得能量,常见的化石燃料包括煤、和天然气等.它们属于再生能源(填“可”或“不可”). (2) 化学反应也可用来获得能量,下列反应过程中会放出热量的是 (填答案序号) A . 生石灰与水 B . 碳与二氧化碳 C . 镁与盐酸 (3) 为减少环境污染、提高煤的利用率,可将其转化为可燃性气体,此过程可认为是碳与水的  选词填空 salad, medium, order, juice, address   Maria arrives home very late. She is tired. So she telephones Pizza Express to ________ some pizzas. She doesn’t want a big one. She want a ________ size pizza and one small orange _________. She says she like _________, too. She tells them her _________. They will deliver her pizzas in half an hour.  
化学 试题推荐