
完形填空 I've suffered with serious social anxiety and anger problems as long as I can remember. A couple of years ago I1what I thought was a good plan of keeping positive: every time I became2about something I couldn't change, I'd do a casual act of3 Things like losing money or not getting a promotion saw me4goods to our local food bank(食品赈济处). At the5of this June I myself and my partner went on our first holiday in years. We climbed Mt. Teide.6I stood at the top with a state of high altitude,7in my brain seemed to burst. I felt8and came down that mountain as quickly as I could.为改善贫困地区农村学生的营养状况,中央和省政府决定从2012年春季学期起,让我省小学生吃上“营养早餐”.下列早餐中富含蛋白质的是(  )A.面包B.牛奶C.火腿肠D.矿泉水
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