
用所给短语的正确形式填空。 escape from as a matter of fact be equal to turn to in trouble beg for (1) Twenty-fiveadded to fifteen forty. (2) Younever want to a job, but you should act like you care aboutit. (3) Theybroke the windows out to the fire. (4) Youcan me for help at any moment. (5) Nowhe is , we should go all out to help him. (6) ,today the world is looking to China to be a big contributor to global economicgrowth. 小张根据某媒体上报道的一张条形统计图(如图),在随笔中写道:“…今年在我市的中学生艺术节上,参加合唱比赛的人数比去年激增….”小张说得对不对?为什么?(请你用一句话对小张的说法作一个评价):________.
英语 试题推荐