
如果从中国近代化的角度考查鸦片战争后中国历史的发展,洋务运动可以说迈出了中国近代化的第一步,其中最突出的表现是( ) A . 建立起一支近代化的海军 B . 兴办新式学校,派遣留学生出国学习 C . 有限度地引进西方的科学技术兴办近代工业军事、民用工业 D . 对封建制度实行一定程度的改良和革新 根据语境,选择适当的语句完成对话。 A. I'm sure. B. So I can't go. C. I hope so. D. Aren't you going? E. It's too bad.A: I wish I could go to the concert tomorrow evening. B:   1  I thought you were.A: A pen friend of mine called me ,saying that he would come to Beijing tomorrow evening.  2   B:    3  You'll have to miss the concert ,but you'll have another chance later,  4   A:   5   I wish you to have a good time.B :Thanks.
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