
完形填空“Sign (签名) this paper if you don’t like Ms. Strom,” the note said. My classmates’1were all on me. I glanced at my teacher as she pleasantly taught the afternoon class. I knew what the right2 was, but the negative (不好的) feelings I had toward her,3my classmates’ insisting stares, made my decision more difficult.I 4why my friends disliked her. She was verystrict. If I signed it, my friends would be pleas ed, but I didn’t want to see Ms. Strom's face 5she realized what the note said.My friends began to get6, wanting me to sign the paper and7it alon g, but I didn19世纪60~70年代,提出不能“扶起东边倒却西边”,力主收复新疆并率军进入新疆,痛击阿古柏侵略军的是( )A.林则徐B.李鸿章C.左宗棠D.冯子材
英语 试题推荐