
阅读理解 Have you heard about Survival Holidays? It is forchildren to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companiesare allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents. The reason why people like Survival Holidays is thatthey think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big citiesspend all time watching TV and playing computer games. Survival Holidaysgives them an important change. Is Survival Holidays a wonderful idea? Maybe it is.Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, withoutadults下列关于果胶酶的叙述错误的是A.果胶酶能够分解果胶,瓦解植物的细胞壁及胞间层B.果胶酶是由半乳糖醛酸聚合而成的高分子化合物C.果胶酶能降低化学反应的活化能D.果胶酶是一类酶
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