
阅读理解 Late in 1990, when Paul Kagame was hiding on the Congolese side of the Virunga mountains preparing to invade Rwanda, his army were not the only inhabitants of that thickly forested volcanic range. The Virungas are also home to mountain gorillas (大猩猩). Soldiers are notoriously excited when it comes to wildlife, but Mr. Kagame ordered his men not to shoot the apes. “They will be valuable one day,” he said. He was right.By 2017, with Mr. Kagame now installed as Rwanda's president, that country's wildlife-tourism industry, of which gorilla-watching on the Rwandan side of th“科学过去是躲在经验技术的隐蔽角落里辛勤工作的,当它走到前面传递而且高举火炬的时候,科学时代可以说已经开始了。”这里所说的“科学时代”是指A.牛顿经典力学体系 B.第一次工业革命C.第二次工业革命 D.量子力学
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