
读“中南半岛略图”,完成下面小题。 (1) 图中阴影部分表示该地区农作物的主要产区,该作物是() A . 水稻 B . 棉花 C . 玉米 D . 小麦 (2) 中南半岛的在大城市主要分布在河流沿岸及河口三角洲。下列哪个城市的分布不符合这一特点() A . 泰国——曼谷——湄南河 B . 老挝——万象——湄公河 C . 缅甸——内比都——伊洛瓦底江 D . 越南——河内——红河— Could you tell me ?一"Rome was not built in a day." You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.A. what I could do to have a good memory B. what I can do to have a good memoryC. what could I do to have a good memory D. what can I do to have a good memory
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