
阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Jenny was very nervous. She had a swimming competition inthe morning and could not sleep. She tossed and turned all night. She was nostranger to competition. In fact, she loved it. Jenny was very athletic and wasnot only part of a swim team, but a soccer team, as well. She even won a soccerchampionship with her teammates last year. But this particular swimming competitionwas important. She had made it all the way to the finals and didn't want to lether teammates down. When her alarm went off at 6: 00 am, 每年6月中旬,海拔4600米的可可西里腹地的卓乃湖畔,集结着来自四面八方的藏羚羊。7月初,天气晴好,水草丰美,藏羚羊进入大规模的集中产仔期。小藏羚羊出生后,将会有5个月左右的哺乳期,在3个月大时,它们就可以在吃奶的同时进食一些草。当小藏羚羊体重长到八九斤时,母藏羚羊便带着小藏羚羊从卓乃湖出发,前往越冬地与公藏羚羊会合,共同返回栖息地,完成每年一次的迁徙过程。(1)母藏羚羊用乳汁喂养小藏羚羊,这一特征说明藏羚羊属于_________动物。(2)刚出生的藏羚羊就会吮吸母乳,这种行为属于_________(选填“先天性”或“学习”)行为,是由其体内的_________物质决定的。
英语 试题推荐