
如图a所示的联轴器,主要由连接件A、连接件B和缓冲橡胶组成,图b为连接件A的结构,该联轴器在三者连接区形成实心区域,起到传递动力和缓冲的作用,下列缓冲橡胶的设计方案中合理的是( ) A . B . C . D . 答案:AIt was Valentine's Day, my freshman year of college. I was so young, the romantic type. All I wanted was a rose. A single rose to __36__ up my Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day at school was over,and I had no rose to __37__ in my locker like I had hoped. I came home a little __38__. I sat in my room dreaming about next year's romantic Valentine's Day __39__ the doorbell rang. There at the front door was a deliveryman __40__   one single rose to my house. Surely this rose wasn't for me. I didn't have such __41__. I closed the front door with a single rose in my hand and gave it to my mother. “__42__  the card!” she insisted when I told her it must be for her. I unsealed the envelope as my hands were __43__. I slowly lifted the card and read what it said: To Amanda From someone who cares I must have read it twenty times in a matter of seconds, __44__ my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. But they weren't. The rose was for me. I must have been __45__ for about five minutes, until I started __46__ the obvious people and __47__ them of sending me a rose and playing a joke on my __48__ romantic heart. No one knew who sent it to me. My friends, family  and relatives were as __49__ to hear I got a rose from a __50__ someone as much as I was. I was on cloud nine(兴奋) for weeks. I __51__ did figure out who was it who sent me that rose. __52__ I did figure something else out. It didn't __53__ if it was a guy who secretly __54__ me who sent me that rose. What mattered was that it was from someone who __55__ about me and wanted to brighten up my day. 36. A. brighten               B. fill                       C. take                          D. decorate 37. A. hide                    B. hang                   C. plant                     D. stick 38. A. mad                    B. hungry                 C. angry                       D. sad 39. A. before                 B. until                     C. when                        D. once 40. A. posting                B. carrying               C. holding                     D. delivering 41. A. chance                B. luck                     C. value                        D. confidence 42. A. Open               B. Read                    C. Check                      D. Break 43. A. closing                B. moving                C. shaking                     D. spreading 44. A. praying               B. expecting             C. doubting                   D. believing 45. A. sorry                   B. curious                C. happy                       D. nervous 46. A. realizing               B. calling                 C. visiting                     D. questioning 47. A. informing            B. reminding            C. accusing                   D. telling 48. A. specially              B. actually               C. obviously                  D. hopelessly 49. A. surprised             B. excited                C. amused                     D. disappointed 50. A. considerate          B. distant                 C. secret                       D. generous 51. A. anyhow               B. still                     C. already                     D. never 52. A. For                     B. So                      C. Then                        D. But 53. A. happen                B. matter                 C. appear                      D. mean 54. A. loved                   B. helped                 C. pitied                        D. cheated 55. A. asked                  B. worried               C. cared                        D. talked
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