
据《东京梦华录》记载,北宋时期,丧家命僧道诵经设齐(通“斋”),用酒祭祀作佛事,以为资冥福,出葬用以导行。这种风气政府禁而不止。这主要反映出( ) A . 外来文化渗透到民间各个方面 B . 儒释道三教合流的表现 C . 北宋儒家思想丧失了主导地位 D . 北宋时期迷信色彩浓厚 答案:B根据所给的词,写出正确的单词形式。1. _________ (one) of all you must close the door. 2. Everybody is _________ (suppose) to know the dancer. 3. You must take care of yourself and keep _________ (health). 4. She is a _________ (luck) girl.5. The boy is _________ (bad) than yesterday. 6. He _________ (choose) a toy just now. 7. We are _________ (Asia). 8. The _________ (speak) are Tom and Linda.9. These are our _________ (report card). 10. She _________ (copy) my homework every day.
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