
For each blank in thefollowing passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill ineach blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Keepingit in the family You understand grandmother when she talks to you, don'tyou, darling? The girl nods. I met her, her Japanese mother and Englishfather on a plane to Japan. The parents were eager to 1 their experience of bringing up their daughterbilingually (使用双语地) in London. It isn't easy: the husbanddoes not speak Japanese, so the child hears the language only from her mother,who has come to 2 that the girl will repl下列各项中,加点词语使用恰当的一项是                            (    )     A.著名学者吴组缃教授生前说过,《红楼梦》的思想艺术成就被人们认识到的只是‘表里山河’,藏在水下的更多。”     B.仿佛昨天才踏进校门,谁料倏忽之间,高中三年已经过去,吉光片羽,都为陈迹,令人唏嘘不已。     C.一个人的是非功过只有到了生命终了,他的历史结束后才能盖棺论定。     D.想不到祖父变化这么大,满头白发,老气横秋,连走路都很困难了。
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