
单句改错 (1) The class would be examined on everything they have learnt this year. (2) We shall are punished if we break the rule. (3) If I was given enough time, I will go to Japan for my holiday. (4) The problem isn't going to be discussing at the meeting tomorrow. (5) If it rains tomorrow, the sports meet will put off. 答案:【1】would改为will 【1】are改为be 【1】was改为am 【1】discussing改为discussed 【1】will后加be下面是《申报.自由女子之新婚谈》一段关于“文明婚礼”的描述:“梳一东洋头,披件西式衣,穿双西式履,凡凤冠霞帔、锦衣绣裙、红鞋绿袜一律不用;昂染登舆,香花簇拥,四无障碍,无须伪啼假哭,扶持背负;宣读婚约,互换戒指,才一鞠躬,即携手而归,无傧相催请跪拜起立之烦。”请问,这一现象出现的原因有(    )①近代工业文明的发展                  ②近代西方思想的传播③近代教育的发展促进人们思想观念的改变 ④近代恋爱自由,婚姻自主成为一种时尚A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.②③④
英语 试题推荐