
阅读理解 My husband and I had been married nearly twenty-two years when I acquired Stevens-Johnson syndrome,a disorder where my immune system responded to a virus by producing painful blisters(水疱).Although my long-term evaluation was good,I,who had been so fiercely independent,rapidly became absolutely helpless. My husband,Scott,stepped up to the plate,taking care of kids and cooking dinners.He also became my personal caretaker,applying the medicine to all of my blisters because my hands couldn't do the job.Needless to say,I had negative emotions,bouncing from embarrassment to sham设抛物线M方程为y2=2px(p>0),其焦点为F,P(a,b)(a≠0)为直线y=x与抛物线M的一个交点,|PF|=5(1)求抛物线的方程;(2)过焦点F的直线l与抛物线交于A,B两点,试问在抛物线M的准线上是否存在一点Q,使得△QAB为等边三角形,若存在求出Q点的坐标,若不存在请说明理由.
英语 试题推荐