
任务型阅读What If We Don't Get Along?Teacherswant to get along with you and enjoy seeing you learn. But teachers and studentssometimes have personality clashes (人格冲突). If you show your teacher that youwant to make the situation better, he or she will probably do everything possibleto make that happen. Take these steps if the problem seems difficult to solve:Talkto an adult you trust, such as a parent, guidance counselor, or both.You may not feel immediately comfortablewith your teachers, but that may change as you get to know one another.Ifyou've given it time, talk with your pare噪声严重影响着人们的生活和工作,以下防治噪声的办法中可行的是( )A.通过科学研究,使噪声源不发生振动B.将所有噪声源隔离在真空容器中,以避免噪声干扰C.城市里在穿过住宅区的高速公路两旁建隔音墙、一般道路两旁植树种花D.建筑工地不允许使用大型机械
英语 试题推荐