
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。C Everyone has probably seen a movie or two about robots going against man. As a kid it was interesting, but not a reality. But today, when we look at how far scientists have come, it's not just a funny thought but a real possibility. Honda has already created a robot with eyes, legs, arms and hands and it can act just like a person. There is no end to what a robot could do in the future. Just think what we can do in twenty to thirty years. We’re dealing with almost an entire new species (种类) of四年级一班34人共借书306本.四年级二班36人共借书288本.四年级一共平均每人借书多少本?四年级二班平均每人借书多少本?
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