
2018年4月13日,是海南建省办经济特区30周年纪念日,国家主席习.平宣布建设海南自贸区。读海南岛示意图,回答以下各题。 (1) 下列有关海南岛的说法正确的是() A . 海南岛位于南海海域,是我国领土的最南端 B . 海南岛的人口主要集中在中部,四周人口少 C . 海南岛主要的少数民族是黎族和苗族 D . 海南岛的地形四周高、中间低,起伏较大 (2) 海南岛南部被农业科技人员誉为“育种的天堂”,被农民誉为“种子的基地”,被普根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内(1)You can call if you want to go on A City Tour.A.942-4632B.204-254-3170C.204-957-7618D.1-888-942-6302(2)Martin will visit Winnipeg Railway Museum with his 4-year-old daughter. How much should he pay?A.$3.00.B.$5.00.C.$8.00.D.$30.00.(3)Which is the proper time to visit The Forks Market?A.8:30am on Sundays in July.B.8:30am on Saturdays in June.C.7:30pm on Fridays in August.D.7:30pm on Mondays in October.(4)What is mentioned in each part of the text?A.Open hours.B.Group tours.C.Limited space.D.Historical past.(5)Where is the text probably taken from?A.A guidebook.B.A movie poster.C.A sports magazine.D.A science report.
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