
幽门螺旋菌是一种具有螺旋结构及鞭毛的细菌(图1),主要“定居”在人胃黏膜表面,可引起慢性胃炎,甚至胃溃疡。为研究乳酸菌对幽门螺旋菌感染的影响,研究者将若干只健康的实验小鼠平均分为三组,按下表进行处理(“+”表示进行,“-”表示未进行)。几个月后检测三组小鼠胃黏膜炎症因子水平相对值(炎症因子水平相对值高,说明炎症程度严重),结果如图2所示。 (1) 对比(选填组号)组结果,说明幽门螺旋菌会引起小鼠产生炎症反应。 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。Mike and John are good friends. Both of them like traveling very much.One day, when they were traveling through a desert, they quarreled (吵架) with each other. Mike was very angry and hit John in the face. John was hurt, 【1】, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”Then they went on walking and found an oasis (绿洲). It was very hot, 【2】. John was not good at swimming and he started drowning (溺水) after a few minutes. 【3】. When John got up, he wrote on a stone, “Today my best friend saved my life.”Mike felt a little surprised and asked, “Why, after I hurt you, you wrote some words in the sand, and now you wrote on a stone?” John smiled and said, “When a friend hurts us, we should write it down in the sand. 【4】. However, when something great happens, we should write it in the stone of our memory and remember it forever.” 【5】. He learned what true friendship was. Let’s learn to write in the sand and on the stone.A. Mike was very movedB. but without anything to sayC. so they wanted to have a swimD. And the wind can blow it away easily E. Mike swam to him quickly and saved him
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