
唐朝,一个不筑长城的统一王朝,具有开拓创新的气魄,更有昂扬进取的精神。阅读材料,回答下列问题。材料一:忆昔开元全盛日,小邑犹藏万家室。稻米流脂粟米白,公私仓廪俱丰实。九州道路无豺狼,远行不劳吉日出。齐纨鲁缟车班班,男耕女桑不相失。——唐·杜甫《忆昔》材料二:唐朝户数在639年(唐太宗贞观13年)达300万户,705年有615万户,740年(唐玄宗开元28年)为841万户,754年有918万户。——冻国栋《中国人口史》(第二卷) (1【1】We are going to have a party to__________ (庆祝) Teachers' Day.【2】Would you like to go for a _________(野炊) with us this weekend?【3】Chinese is our first ___________(语言).【4】The__________ (人口)ofourcityisoverninemillion.【5】I want to buy a _____________(字典) for my son.【6】We are going to learn the _________(第十二) lesson tomorrow.【7】Which month is hotter, _________(十月) or September?【8】_________ (数以千计) of people are at the concert now.【9】Today is __________(星期二), February 18th. I'm on duty.【10】December 25th is _________(圣诞节) Day.
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