
完成短文 The ancient Chinese divided the sun's annual circular movement into 24 parts. Each part was called specific “Solar Term(节气)”. The criteria for the formation of Twenty -four Solar Terms were developed through the observation of changes of seasons, astronomy and other natural (phenomenon) in this region and have been progressively applied nationwide It (start) from the Beginning of Spring and ends with the Greater Cold, (move) in cycles. The theory spreads from generation to generation and is (traditional) used to direct production and daily routines. It, in particular下列说法中,正确的是A.水中铁易生锈是因为铁易与水反应B.炼铁是将铁矿石中的铁置换出来的过程C.铁的性质比较活泼,常温下,在干燥的空气中很容易与氧气发生反应D.炼钢是将生铁中所含过量的碳和其他杂质转变为气体或炉渣而除去的过程
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