
立定跳远是中考体育项目之一,起跳时,两脚蹬地的力大于重力,使身体获得斜向上的初速度;跳起腾空后,当上升到最高点时,身体受到的重力方向为,此时人继续向前运动,是因为人具有. 答案:【1】竖直向下【2】惯性1.My boss doesn’t a      me to use the telephone. 2.We should not p      the environment. 3.He promised to be here at four o’clock, but didn’t a       until six. 4.This two photographs are almost a      . 5.I tried to w      him but he didn’t listen. 6.Don’t e       without knocking. 7.He wanted to b      a hotel room. 8.She looks very p      in that hat. 9.I asked him w      we should take the exam. 10.That music s      beautiful.  
物理 试题推荐