
阅读理解 Are you wondering whether it's worth goingfor a little jog? Don't hesitate, and get your sports shoes on. A new studyshows that proper running lowers the risk of death before the normal time. In an analysis of 14 previous studies fromthe US and Denmark, the group of researchers from institutes in Australia andFinland concluded that increasing running participation would probably lead tosubstantial improvements in population health and longevity. The studiesinvolved 232,149 participants over time periods ranging from 5. 5 to 35 years. On the whole, people running any distancewere a33、改革是社会发展的动力,阅读王安石变法的相关材料,并回答问题: 材料一:  青苗法是针对豪强兼并之家利用农民青黄不接之时放高利贷取利而制定的,法令规定以常平、广惠各仓储存的钱谷为资本,夏秋之时按户等以不等的数额贷给农户,利息在二分到三分左右,在夏秋收成后随两税缴纳。 材料二:欧阳修有一段评论:“夏粮钱于春中散,尤是青黄不接之时,尚有可说,秋料于五月散,正是蚕麦成熟,人户不乏之时,何名济阙,直是放债取利耳。”可谓一针见血。青苗法在执行中问题也不少,如法令规定不许强制,实际上大多强行抑配,王安石自己都说:“抑配诚恐有之。”利息法令规定百分之二十,实际执行中往往超过,司马光为陕西路以折变散青苗钱算过一笔账,农民得青苗钱“陈色白米一石,却将来纳新好小麦一石八斗七升五合,所取利近一倍。” (1)根据材料二,总结王安石变法失败的原因。(3分) (2)根据上述材料谈谈你对改革的看法。(6分)
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