
取一粒浸软的玉米种子(果实),用刀片将种子从中央纵向剖开。在剖面上滴一滴稀释的碘液,再用放大镜仔细观察,被碘液染成蓝色的是( ) A . 果皮和种皮 B . 胚 C . 胚乳 D . 胚芽、胚轴、胚根、子叶 答案:C on average, in other words, concentrate on, come up with, at a disadvantage1. There were so many people talking in the classroom that I couldn't     my study.2. His inability to speak French puts him     .3. We will discuss the strange idea you     this afternoon.4. ― You must have a high income doing that kind of job.―Oh,my income is not set,but I earn 100yuan a day     .5. While you are driving,you must concentrate.    ,don't let anyone or anything disturb you.
生物 试题推荐