
阅读下面短文,用短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 My 7-year-old daughter always has hernose in a book. She even continued 1 in the car on the long drive to summer camp,where she lost the book. This is the first lost 2 book in my life. In my childhood, my familyhad always been expected to be 3, but we were poor, and I didn't 4 books. I had to borrow books. My library bookslived on a 5 shelf while they were mine, and it 6 me when I had to return them to the library onthe due day. However, my daughter has 7 books now下列词语中没有别字的一项是(3分) A.锦嶂 瞰望 一气呵成 花团锦簇B.芳馨 倒坍 遍稽群藉 芒刺在背 C.杀戮 恻隐 有例可援 吹毛求疵 D.跻身 豁免 睡眼惺忪 通霄达旦 
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