
结合语境,根据汉语或首字母提示用单词的适当形式填空。 (1) I believe that news in the newspaper is more (可靠的) than that on the Internet. (2) It was well after (午夜) by the time Anne returned to her apartment. (3) She is fond of sitting and reading (在……下面) the trees. (4) She put her head down on her(枕头) and went to sleep but I stayed awake. (5) On the northwestern corner of the city stands the Buddhist (寺庙). (6) There's a fine v of the lake from our hotel window. 有关合理的城镇布局的叙述,正确的是(  )A.合理的城镇布局,可使最相近的两个城镇得到发展B.合理的城镇布局,只能使规模、职能相同的城镇得到发展C.合理的城镇布局,可取得区域最佳的社会效益和经济效益D.合理的城镇布局,区域内的各城镇之间并没有联系
英语 试题推荐