
阅读下面的文字,完成下题。有一个大坑,看着很松软,有点像巧克力蛋糕——这是北京时间2019年1月3曰上午11时40分,“嫦娥四号”传回的月背影像图带给人们的_____。这张在网络上刷屏的图片,拍自月球背面南极-艾特肯盆地中的冯·卡门撞击坑。这一盆地是在40亿年前被小天体砸出来的。到月球背面去看看,一直是人类的梦想。但由于潮汐锁定的关系,月球的自转和公转周期几乎相等,( )。同样,从地球发射的电磁波也只能到达月球正面的半球When you don’t have any money, can you get anything to eat? Students in Class10, Grade 9 at Mountain and Lake Middle School in Chengdu, have their ways. They give out flyers(传单), draw portraits (人物素描)and work as waiters. The class, working in eight groups, finished the activity----Experiencing Life for Seven Hours, on March 18. “I found students waste their food in the dining hall,” the class teacher, Den Yong said, “So I held this activity to help them understand how hard it is to make money.” Jiang Hui, 15, and his group members stood in the streets giving out flyers for about two hours and got the money for their lunch. Then they worked as waiters in a pizza restaurant---cleaning the floor and toilet and getting food for guests. “We were busy all the time, so we were terribly exhausted(精疲力竭的) after the day’s hard work.”said Jiang. “We each got a pizza as a prize, which tasted much better than one I ate with my parents before.”When Xie Xi’s group didn’t make any money in three hours, the members became nervous about their lunch. The 14-year-old girl came up with the idea of drawing portraits to sell, “I sold four portraits and one tourist even paid us 100 yuan for his portrait,” said Xie.Xie realized that life is really hard. “We have to work hard to get the money to pay for even a simple meal.” Xie said, “We must value the happy life today.” Each group was also asked to do at least five good things during the seven hours. Students helped the old cross the road, gave directions to tourists and turned in a lost bus card.1.According to the teacher’s words, we can see that the students_______.A. usually waste food in their daily life B. realize life is really not easyC. know it’s hard to make money D. have their own ways to get food without money2.In order to make money, the students have done all except_______.A. helping the old cross the road B. giving out flyersC. drawing portraits D. working as waiters3.What’s the purpose of this activity?A. To let the students get foodB. To help people in needC. To help the students learn to value their today’s lifeD. To give the students a chance to learn to work4.What’s the best title for the passage?A. Life Is Really Hard B. How to Work for PeopleC. Experiencing Life for Seven Hours D. It’s Good to Be A Volunteer
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