
按要求填空。 (1) 家住吴门,。(周邦彦《苏幕遮》) (2) 蒹葭萋萋,白露未晞。所谓伊人,。(《诗经··蒹葭》) (3) 杜甫《望岳》诗“造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓”以光的明暗写山的高大,王维《终南山》诗中运用了相似手法的一联是“,”。 答案:【1】久作长安旅 【1】在水之湄【2】秦风 【1】分野中峰变【2】阴晴众壑殊阅读理解   Through a series of experiments an American scientist has obtained an understanding of the social structure of the most complex of ant societies. The ants examined are the only creatures other than man to have give up hunting and collecting for a completely agricultural way of life. In their underground nests they cultivate(耕作、培植) gardens on soil made from finely chopped(捣碎) leaves. This is a complex operation requiring considerable division of labour. The workers of this type of ant can be divided into four groups according to size. Each of the groups performs a particular set of jobs.   The making and care of the gardens and the nursing of the young ants are done by the smallest workers. Slightly larger workers are responsible for chopping up leaves to make them suitable for use in the gardens and for cleaning the nest. A third group of still larger ants do the construction work and collect fresh leaves from outside the nest. The largest are the soldier ants,responsible for defending the nest.   To find out how good the various size-groups are at different tasks, the scientist measured the amount of work done by the ants against the amount of energy they used. He examined first the gathering and carrying of leaves. he selected one of the size groups, and then measured how efficiently these ants could find leaves and run back to the nest. Then he repeated the experiment for each of the other-size-groups. In this way he could see whether any group could do the job more efficiently than the group normally undertaking it.   The intermediate-sized ants that normally perform this task proved to be the most efficient for their energy costs, but when the scientist examined the whole set of jobs performed by each group of ants it appeared that some sizes of worker ant were not ideally suited to the particular jobs they performed. 1.In which way are the ants different from other nonhuman societies? [  ] A.They do not need to search for food. B.They do not need to look for shelter. C.Individuals vary in social status. D.Individuals perform different functions(作用) 2.It seems that smaller ants perform more of the _____. [  ] A.construction tasks. B.home tasks. C.defensive work D.heavy work 3.The scientist's work was based on _____. [  ] A.occasional observations B.systematic observations C.observations of several nests D.observation of an undisturbed nest 4.The organization of the ants has the effect of _____. [  ] A.getting the most work done B.dividing the work up systematically C.each ant helping with all the tasks D.each ant doing what it can do best.
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