接力版(三起点)2017-2018学年小学英语四年级下册Lesson 14 Do you want milk or water? 第一课时习题

接力版(三起点)2017-2018学年小学英语四年级下册Lesson 14 Do you want milk or water? 第一课时习题
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1. 翻译
  1. (1) 土豆
  2. (2) 番茄
  3. (3) 饮料
  4. (4) so many
  5. (5) or
2. 单选题
______ she ______ coffee or tea?
A . Does, wants B . Do, want C . Does, want
3. 单选题
Can I _____ a bottle of juice?
A . have B . has C . eat
4. 单选题
I want ____________.
A . a tea B . some soup C . some cake
5. 单选题
I feel very hungry. I want ________ something.
A . eat B . to eat C . eating
6. 单选题
I want to ____ some ice water.
A . / B . drink C . eat
7. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
  1. (1) Do you want milk or water?  
  2. (2) I want some drink.  
  3. (3) I like potatoes.  
  4. (4) I want milk, please.  
  5. (5) Do you want a tomato?     
8. 情景交际

⑴What can you do?                                A. Yes, he is.

⑵Do you like swimming?                       B. No, I can't.

⑶Is he good at singing?                         C. I can wash the window.

⑷Can you water the flowers?                 D. Coffee, please.

⑸Do you want tea or coffee?                 E. No, I don't.