(人教版)高中英语必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes(B卷听力练习)(含听力音频)

(人教版)高中英语必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes(B卷听力练习)(含听力音频)
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1. 听力题
What is the man going to do?
A . See a film. B . Do his homework. C . Play with his classmates.
2. 听力题
Who sent the man the new camera?
A . His mother. B . His uncle. C . His sister.
3. 听力题
What are the two speakers talking about?
A . Two children playing with a ball. B . Two lines connecting a ball. C . Two lions playing with a ball.
4. 听力题
What's Susan like?
A . She is very honest. B . She is very clever. C . She is very beautiful.
5. 听力题
What is the time now?
A . 9:37. B . 9:35. C . 9:39.
6. 听力题
  1. (1) What can we learn about the man?
    A . He is looking for a job. B . He has not worked before. C . He is suitable for the job.
  2. (2) What will the man do on Friday?
    A . Work in the office. B . Type some words. C . Have an interview.
7. 听力题
  1. (1) What are the two speakers talking about?
    A . Popular sports events. B . People's favorite TV programs. C . Things people do in their spare time.
  2. (2) What do people do least according to the conversation?
    A . Go to the movies. B . Read books. C . Watch TV.
  3. (3) How did the woman do the research?
    A . She talked to people. B . She sent letters to people. C . She collected information from newspapers.
8. 听力题
  1. (1) Which of the following countries is NOT mentioned?
    A . Ireland. B . India. C . Japan.
  2. (2) Why is the British government planning to tax plastic bags?
    A . To learn from Ireland. B . To get money from them. C . To reduce the amount of rubbish.
  3. (3) In which country should people go to prison for using plastic bags?
    A . Britain. B . Bangladesh. C . Ireland.
  4. (4) Why are plastic bags also stopped in Bangladesh?
    A . Because they cost a lot to produce. B . Because they caused serious floods. C . Because they are dangerous for animals.
9. 听力题
  1. (1) Why does the woman call the man?
    A . To ask if he is free. B . To invite him to join her. C . To ask if he is interested in the theater.
  2. (2) How often does the group practise?
    A . One night a week. B . Every other Thursday. C . Every Wednesday for three hours.
  3. (3) What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
    A . Teacher and student. B . Husband and wife. C . Friends.
10. 听力题
  1. (1) Who are Susan Ruben and Anna Ford?
    A . Two popular writers. B . Two famous actresses. C . Two news announcers.
  2. (2) What can we learn from the text?
    A . Newspapers and magazines took a great interest in both Susan and Anna. B . Most news announcers in Britain are women. C . Susan reads the nine o'clock news on Independent Television.
  3. (3) How can we know that Anna's first appearance on TV was a big attraction?
    A . It lasted a long time. B . A lot of people watched it. C . Many newspapers carried the news.