本单元综合与测试 知识点题库


A.Can pandas swim?

B.What's your favourite animal?

C.What are these pandas doing?

D.No,I don't.

E.Yes.they can.

Lucy:Do you like rabbits?



Jim:My favourite animal is panda.The baby panda is so cute.

Lucy:Can pandas climb trees?



Jim:No,they can't swim.


Jim:They are drinking water.

选出你所听到的句子(  )

A . The dog is playing under the table. B . The cat is playing under the table.
—Is he sleeping?—Yes, ________.
A . he isn't B . she is C . he is
park, you, to, can, the, take, him (?)(连词成句)
He's dancing in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句)
听录音,选出句子中出现的单词(   )
A . who B . which C . whose







    Today is a fine day, and my mum takes me to the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. Look! There are two tigers. They are walking. Two rabbits are running and a lion is sleeping. I like monkeys best. They are playing now. They like eating yellow bananas. Sometimes they climb trees, and they are very good climbers(攀爬的动物). Sometimes they jump up and down.

  1. (1) I go to the zoo with        today.
    A . my father B . my mother C . my grandma
  2. (2) The rabbits are       .
    A . walking B . running C . jumping up and down
  3. (3) My favorite animal is           .
    A . the monkey B . the lion C . the tiger
  4. (4) The monkeys are       now.
    A . jumping up and down B . eating yellow bananas C . playing
  5. (5)        are good climbers.
    A . The rabbits B . The monkeys C . The tigers
选出不同类的单词(   )
A . drink B . sleeping C . jumping
选出不同类的单词(   )
A . whose B . excited C . active
What do you often (do) on Sunday?
It's a rabbit. It's ______.
A . I B . me C . mine
—Are these all ours?


A . Yes, they are. B . No, they are. C . no, they are not.
Can you _____ him _____ the park?
A . taking, to B . take, to C . takes, to
There is a picture of shanghai. (改为一般疑问句)
They're playing with           .
A . each other B . each C . every
(who) football are these?
看图, 将下列动词的现在分词形式填在相应的句子中

sleep    climb    eat    play     run

  1. (1) John is basketball on the playground.
  2. (2) Jenny and her mother are lunch.
  3. (3) —What is your cat doing?

    —It's the tree.

  4. (4) It's 7:30. But Henry is still.
  5. (5) The boy is in the park now.
—What are you doing now?

—I am_________.

A . jump B . to jump C . jumping
Zhang Hua takes a dancing class now.