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高中 英语


Chinese astronauts successfully carried out the country's first spacewalk outside their space station—a (significance) milestone in its rapidly expanding space program.

The spacewalk is only the second by Chinese astronauts since the Shenzhou 7 manned mission (任务)of 2008, which (conduct) outside a spacecraft.

China launched three astronauts into space in June. On Sunday morning, two of them left the core module(核心舱) of the space station called Tiangong. During spacewalk, they tested new-generation spacesuits, fit equipment, and tested the station's robotic arm.

According to the plan, there (be) another spacewalk during the astronauts' orbital flight, , lasting three months, will be China's longest crewed mission.

As part of its plans to have a (full) crewed space station by December 2022, China launched the first core module, known Tianhe or Harmony of the Heavens, on April29. The module is the largest spacecraft developed by China to date, with a total length of 16. 6meters and a (live) space of 50 cubic meters.

While China is not considering foreign participation in the space station's (develop) now, non-Chinese astronauts will certainly be welcomed in the years (come).

A mirror ra picture of you when you look in it.
  1. (1) How does the woman feel about the event?
    A . Surprised. B . Bored. C . Interested.
  2. (2) Why do people attend the event according to the man?
    A . To learn how to bargain. B . To buy fashionable items. C . To find a meaningful purchase.
假定你是新华中学李华,你的外籍朋友 Michael 来信表示对中国文化很感兴趣,正巧这学期你

校要开设"话说中国节(Festive China)"的线上课程,请你回信向他推荐此课程。内容包括:

1)开设时间    2.)课程内容       3)报名方式。




Many unearthed cultural (遗迹) were exhibited at the museum.
Staying at home, no socializing and wearing a face mask if going anywhere have proved to be the most ________ ways to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
A . effective B . expensive C . miserable D . suspicious

How You Can Create Luck in Everyday Life

    Having a positive way allows you to create your own luck in everyday life. Here are some tips.

Be Grateful For What You Have

    Some people are already lucky, and they just don't know it. You no doubt have some wonderful friends, family, a roof over your head and food on the table. By recognizing these things regularly, you can immediately feel more lucky.


    Knowing different people can make you get access to skills, opportunities, connections and more. You never know what wonderful chances each individual could bring to you or how they might enrich your life, until you get to know them.

Be Generous

    If you ever want other people to give you opportunities, you have to consider what sort of atmosphere you are putting out into the world. Be generous with your time and attention, and you'll be surprised how many lucky opportunities people may offer you.

Try Something New

    Luck doesn't just happen upon us. Trying something new is a great way of getting more opportunities. Learning a new skill, visiting a new place, or trying a new hobby are all great ways of expanding your opportunities and your state of mind.

Take Action

    You'll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall onto your lap. Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge with a positive state of mind.

A. You cannot expect to receive if you never give.

B. It comes to us when we're open.

C. Instead of focusing on what's lacking, look at how lucky you already are.

D. Sometimes peoples would be prepared to help us out.

E. You will find you can create more luck in everyday life.

F. Be grateful for the good that came from your past.

G. The more people you connect with, the luckier you will be.


He    the urban life and hoped to move to the country.


MY Travel Experience in China

    During the summer holidays I visited a variety of regions in China.

My first stop was Beijing and of course the Great Wall. Without question it lived up to my  (expect).

    After a long journey, I reached Yunnan. With(it) minority villages and impressive landscapes, Yunnan had a lot to offer. One of my  (enjoy) moments in Yunnan was during my visit to The Tiger Leaping Gorge. The climb over the gorge was at times exhausting  always breathtaking. The views couldn't  (imagine) in their beauty and they  (leave) me with many great memories.

    After taking a boat from the mainland I arrived at  island province of Hainan. There I visited Baihua Waterfall. Floating on a pool of water at the base and looking up at the waterfall with a background of blue sky was one of the most  (relax) experiences of my life.

    Throughout China there are many ancient buildings and in particular ancient towns. Lijiang and Dali both have glorious  (example) of this. It was remarkable to step back in time and get an idea of China might have looked like all those years ago. I thought the buildings were beautiful and full of history.

    I had a wonderful time! China is both fascinating and beautiful!

At what time will the speakers get to the sports meeting?
A . 7:45. B . 8:00. C . 8:15.
All this information can be (传达) in a simple diagram.

The (受伤的) in the car accident have been taken to hospital.
  1. (1) Who are the speakers?
    A . Girlfriend and boyfriend. B . Teacher and student. C . Director and actor.
  2. (2) How does the man appear to the woman?
    A . Hurt. B . Mad. C . Happy.
  3. (3) What does the woman want the man to do?
    A . Express his sad feelings. B . Show more anger. C . Take a break.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Researchers say getting a good night's sleep is probably the best tool for memory and learning. But short periods of sleep may help our brains work better, says a recent study on napping. And taking a nap  may also help old adults fight off age-related memory loss.

    CDC, an American scientific organization, found that 50 to 70 million Americans have chronic(长期的)sleep disorders. So, someone who naps as a way of paying off a sleep debt may not experience the same improvements from napping as a well-rested person would. Also, that only children, the very old, sick or  lazy people nap is not an uncommon opinion.

    Researchers recently looked at information provided by nearly 3,000 Chinese adults, aged 65 years or older, to learn if napping after a mid-day meal had any effect on the mental performance of the subjects.

    First, they asked the people if they napped and for how long. Then, based on their answers, researchers put them into four groups: non-nappers (0 min), short nappers (≦30 min), moderate nappers (30-90 min), and extended nappers (≧90 min).  Nearly 60% of the people said they did take a nap after lunch and that   their naps lasted anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. Most of the subjects said they napped for about an hour.

    The study found that people who took an hour-long nap did much better on mental tests than those      who did not nap. The hour-long nappers also did better on the tests than those who napped for shorter and longer periods. In this study, it seemed that the most effective nap lasted for about an hour, but not much longer.

    Yet Doctor Michael Twery notes that an hour long nap may be too long for young, healthy adults. 30 minutes is enough to remove the pressure to sleep and will help us feel more awake.

  1. (1) What's the main idea of this passage?
    A . Getting a good night's sleep is probably the best tool for memory and learning. B . Getting rest during the middle of the day helps older adults' brains work better. C . Taking a nap helps babies and young children learn better. D . Napping helps adults fight off age-related health problems.
  2. (2) Among the following people who naps after lunch, who experiences the best improvement?
    A . A new mother with her baby crying for most of the night. B . A university student staying up late for the coming exams. C . A school guard working on the night shift. D . A retired teacher going to bed at 10 p.m. and rising at 6 a.m.
  3. (3) A     nap does better for healthy and young adult.
    A . 30-minute B . 60-minute C . 70-minute D . 90-minute
At that time ________two important players ________a big problem for Lang Ping.
A . to lose; is B . losing; was C . lose; was D . losing; is
  1. (1) In which department can this conversation most probably take place?
    A . The Shoe Department. B . The Clothing Department. C . The Jewelry Department.
  2. (2) What could be the reason if the woman does not buy the overcoat?
    A . The colour. B . The size. C . The price.
It is no use (regret) your past mistakes.

Some people are naturally better than others in working the social scene.There are those that seem to be gifted in putting others at ease and letting the conversation flow naturally.There are the lucky few that draw people to them without any effort._36_Put yourself at ease and remember these tips:

Smile!A smile is understood in any culture and any age as a sign of friendship.So go ahead!It will put the other person at ease.You will seem approachable and happy._37_

Make eye contact.Good eye contact engages the other person to you.When you are introduced to someone, shake their hands in a firm grip and repeat their names._38_Making eye contact shows you have confidence and shows you are interested in the other person.

_39_Having a trusted friend next to you makes it less frightening to walk into a room full of people.It's the same idea behind why girls need to go to the bathroom in groups.There is safety in numbers! But remember that even if you walk in as a pair,it doesn't mean you just stick together the whole time.The point in a social gathering is you make friends with other people.

Go to social settings with a shared interest.For example joining an art class automatically puts you in a setting with other people you already have a common interest in._40_

No matter what the setting,there's no need to be shy around other people.Strangers are friends you just don't know yet!

A.Go with friends.

B.Ask the other person questions.

C.That will help you remember their names.

D.This is the worst impression to make in any setting.

E.It will let the other person know that you are safe to talk to.

F.But for most of us,we feel shy and awkward in social settings.

G.You now have something to talk about and work it from there.

(2020·河南省南阳一中高三第三次月考)Have you ever heard a rumor spread around by students at your school? Rumors, like fake news, can often misinform individuals and lead them to believe false information.

In an attempt to settle this problem, the country of Singapore has passed a bill that bans companies and individuals from publishing false information online.

This law, known as The Protection From Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill, has caused a public outcry (强烈的抗议), as the government has been given the power to remove content that it considers inaccurate or against the public's interest.

Since Singapore's citizens are part of different racial and religious groups, the government fears that rumors or fake news can increase tensions within an already small country.

With the new law coming into effect, Singapore's government now has the authority to monitor news sites, social media platforms, and other databases of information to determine whether the content is falsified. The government can order for the removal of fake news, and publishers of this information can receive prison time and fines up to one million Singapore dollars!

Critics fear that the bill threatens their freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Since national issues and world news are generally discussed on online platforms, many are concerned that this new bill will prevent individuals from talking freely and having healthy conversations.

Several companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, have offices situated in Singapore, meaning that the new law will affect their company operations. Social media companies in Singapore could face a decline in activity, as users may fear posting their opinions and being punished by the government.

Others are concerned that the law does not clearly state what a “false statement” is. Such an ambiguity might allow the government to misuse their power, even though the intention is to curtail the mow of false information and rumors throughout Singapore.

This law does give rise to several concerns related to freedom and privacy and it will be interesting to see what Singapore's government will do to deal with this problem.


5Why are some people against the bill?

AThey think the bill can't get rid of fake news.

BThey belong to different racial and religious groups.

CThey think their freedom of speech may be harmed.

DThey don't want to increase tensions in their country.

6What does the government have the right to do under the new law?

APunish publishers of fake news.

BMonitor telephone conversations.

CProhibit certain people from going online.

DFine fake­news makers any amount of money.

7How will the new law affect social media companies in Singapore?

ATheir users' privacy may be disturbed.

BTheir income will increase very slowly.

CTheir illegal activities will come to light.

DTheir social media may become less active.

8What does the underlined word in Paragraph 8 probably mean?

AProve.                               BAccelerate.

CPromote.                             DDecrease.

  People __61__ (live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred __62__ in the world. Each language contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four __63_ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need _64_ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. _65_ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary __66_ (big). Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of books __67_ (write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet _68_ new word, look it _69__ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your __70__ (much) useful book.