
1. 单选题 详细信息
—Can your brother play the guitar?
—No, he________, but he can________chess.
A.can; plays B.can’t; to play C.can’t; play D.can’t; playing
2. 单选题 详细信息
I can play_________basketball, but I can’t play________violin.
A.the; / B./; a C.the; the D./; the
3. 单选题 详细信息
—Can you sing or dance? — ________
A.Yes, I can. B.No, I can’t. C.I can sing. D.No, I can dance.
4. 单选题 详细信息
—________ does it take you to get to school? —About 15 ________.
A.How long; minutes B.How far; kilometers
C.How long; kilometers D.How far; minutes
5. 单选题 详细信息
________Lisa________ Dave________going for a trip because one of them must stay at home.
A.Both, and; is B.Either; or; is C.Either; or; are D.Both, or; are
6. 单选题 详细信息
There are ________ people on the bus. I have ________ work to do.
A.too many; too many B.too much; too many
C.too much; too much D.too many; too much
7. 单选题 详细信息
Ice-cream tastes ________, but it isn’t good ________ our health.
A.well; with B.good; for C.good; at D.well; for
8. 单选题 详细信息
There is no bridge in the ________. It’s difficult for the villagers ________ to school.
A.village; to get B.villager; to get C.village; get D.villager; get
9. 单选题 详细信息
I ________ to school, she goes to school ________.
A.walk; ride a bike B.walk; by bike C.walks; ride her bike D.walks; by bike
10. 单选题 详细信息
I ________ good at ________.
A.am also; swimming B.also am; swim C.can also; swim D.also am; swimming
11. 单选题 详细信息
I ________ the bus stop at 7:00. And I ________ school at 7:30.
A.arrive at; reach in B.arrive in; reach C.arrive at; get to D.arrive in; get to
12. 单选题 详细信息
Ms. Liu is kind ________ me, but sometimes she is kind ________ strict with us.
A.with; to B.to; of C.for; to D.with; of
13. 单选题 详细信息
Where ________ lions ________?
A.do; from B.does; from C.is; from D.do; come from
14. 单选题 详细信息
On Sundays, my mother asks me to practice ________ the piano.
A.play B.to play C.playing D.plays
15. 单选题 详细信息
When you come to school, please remember ________ your homework ________ school.
A.bring; to B.bringing; to C.to bring; for D.to bring; to
16. 完型填空 详细信息
Hi, friends!________me! I________Africa. And now I live in a zoo in the south of China. People always _______that animals are their friends, but they don’t treat (对待) us as true friends.
Every day, many people come here to _______ me. It seems (看起来) that I can make them very happy. But I don’t like to live here, _______I don’t have many friends. And people think sometimes I am dangerous, so I have to be in the same ________all day. It’s boring for me. And in my hometown (家乡) , people________ many of my friends for their ivory(象牙). They are in great _______. I don’t want to live here. I want to go back to nature (大自然) and________ a happy life. Do you know who I am? I’m a(n) ________.
Please come and save us.
【1】A.Look at B.Look for C.Look out D.Look to
【2】A.come from B.help with C.make friends D.talk to
【3】A.talk B.speak C.tell D.say
【4】A.see B.read C.find D.look
【5】A.or B.and C.so D.because
【6】A.place(地方) B.room C.classroom D.school
【7】A.kill B.remember C.feel D.save
【8】A.health B.danger C.water D.tree
【9】A.cut B.leave C.live D.learn
【10】A.tiger B.elephant C.giraffe D.cat
17. 阅读理解 详细信息

Welcome to the Zoo

Opening Time


Monday to Friday
9: 00 a.m.-5: 00p.m.
Saturday to Sunday
8: 00 a.m.-7: 00p.m.

Adults(成人): 50yuan
15-18: 30 yuan
8-14: 20 yuan
Under 8: free

【1】The zoo opens at ________on weekends.
A.8:00 a.m. B.9:00 a.m. C.5:00 p.m. D.7:00 p.m.
【2】How many hours is the zoo open on Friday?
A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven. D.Eight.
【3】Shelly is 11 years old and she wants to go to the zoo. She needs to pay ________.
A.0 yuan B.20 yuan C.30 yuan D.50 yuan
【4】Jane is 16 and her brother is 4. They need to pay ________ to go to the zoo.
A.70 yuan B.50 yuan C.30 yuan D.20 yuan
【5】The zoo closes at ________ on Sunday.
A.9:00 a.m. B.5:00 p.m. C.8:00 a.m. D.7:00 p.m.

18. 阅读理解 详细信息
My name is Kate. There are many rules in my life. I think these rules are important for me. At home, I can’t play computer games for more than (超过) half an hour. I think it is good for my study because I can have more time to study. I must make the bed after I get up. And I must clean my room every day. So my bedroom is always clean and tidy. My mother says keeping room tidy is good for my health.
I study at Fuxing Middle School. At our school, we also have some rules. We can’t be late for school. So we must arrive at school on time. We must get to school before half past seven in the morning. We need to wear the school uniform every day. In the class, we have to be quiet. We can’t listen to music. We can’t eat in the class. We must eat in the dining hall. After class, we can’t run in the hallways.
Do you have rules in your life? Tell me about it.
【1】What does Kate think of the rules in her life?
A.Strict. B.Important. C.Terrible. D.Interesting.
【2】What time can Kate arrive at school according to the passage?
A.At 7:35 a.m. B.At 7:40 a.m. C.At 8:00 a.m. D.At 7:25 a.m.
【3】How long can Kate play computer games according to this passage?
A.One and a half hours. B.One hour. C.Thirty-five minutes. D.Twenty minutes.
【4】What can we know from the passage?
A.Kate is a tidy girl. B.Kate never follows the school rules.
C.Kate doesn’t like playing computer games. D.Kate has to be quiet at home.
【5】The best title for the passage is “______”.
A.Rules in Kate’s Life B.Kate’s School Life
C.Rules at Kate’s Home D.Kate’s Tidy Room
19. 阅读理解 详细信息
Rick: I live in Chengdu and I go to No. 3 Middle School. I go to school by bike every day, because the roads (路) in Chengdu are nice and it is easy for me to ride a bike. But sometimes when it rains (下雨), I take a bus to school.
Joe: My name is Joe Smith. I’m from Miami, the USA. I take the school bus to school and it’s easy for students. After school, I still take the school bus home. What about you?
Carol: My name is Carol. I live in a village in Yunnan. Truly speaking, I don’t really like going to school, because my school is far from my home. And there are two rivers between my home and school. I need to take a boat to school.
Julie: Hi, I am Julie. I live in Beijing. My parents are teachers in a middle school and I’m a student in their school. Every morning, my father drives my mother and me to school. And after school, my father drives us home.
【1】How does Julie go to school?
A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By car. D.By subway.
【2】Where is Joe from?
A.America. B.Sichuan. C.Yunnan. D.Beijing.
【3】Why doesn’t Carol like going to school?
A.Because it always rains in Yunnan.
B.Because she has no car.
C.Because her school is far from her home.
D.Because there is no nice road in their village.
【4】We can see that ________.
A.Rick goes to No. 1 Middle School
B.Joe’s last name is Brown
C.there is a river between Carol’s home and school
D.Julie’s parents work in the same school
【5】What do they talk about?
A.When they go to school.
B.How they go to school.
C.Where their parents work.
D.Where they live.
20. 补全对话 详细信息
A: Sam, we want to know about your school day.
B: OK!
A: 【1】
B: Hmm, usually at about 6:00 a.m.
A: 【2】
B: At 7:00 a.m. And I go to school at about 8:00 a.m.
A: Wow! You go home at…
B: 【3】
A: Then you have dinner at 6:00 p.m. 【4】
B: I do my homework. 【5】
A: That’s early(早的).
B: Of course.
A.How is your weekday?
B.I often go to bed at 8:30 p.m.
C.At 4:15 in the afternoon.
D.What do you do after it in the evening?
E.When do you have your breakfast?
F.Where do you usually go in the evening?
G.When do you get up?
21. 任务型阅读 详细信息
My name is Clark. I have three friends. They all have some rules to follow.
Lily is a girl from London. She likes music very much, but she doesn’t like studying (学习). Her parents want her to do well in her study, but she always can’t finish her school work. Now her parents ask her to study every night, and she can’t listen to music when she studies.
Betty is from China. She is 15 years old. She is a little lazy (懒惰的), because she never helps her mother do housework (家务) at home. At school she has lots of friends. And she must go home before 8:30 p.m.
Dale is a 16-year-old boy from Canada. He likes reading. At school, he can be good with all his classmates. He never fights with others. He is always happy to help others. The only rule his mother makes for him is to be nice to others.
【1】Where is Lily from?
【2】What does Dale like?
【3】What time must Betty go home?
【4】How old is Dale? What is the passage(短文) mainly(主要) about?
22. 句型转换 详细信息
【1】He does his homework for an hour. (改为否定句)
He _________ __________ his homework for an hour.
【2】Rick likes elephants because he thinks they are smart. (对划线部分提问)
________ _________Rick like elephants?
【3】Mary is eight years old. (改为同义句)
Mary is _________ __________ girl.
【4】I can play the drums. (用play the piano改为选择疑问句)
_________you play the drums _________ play the piano?
【5】We have to be quiet in the library. (对划线部分提问)
__________do we have to _________?
23. 短文填空 详细信息
Lily has so many r【1】. She has to do her homework a【2】school. She can’t go out on school nights. She has to wash the dishes after dinner. Then she can watch TV f【3】an hour. She likes r【4】. She usually reads at night. She has to be in bed b【5】 ten o’clock because she has to get up e【6】the next morning. She j【7】a music club. She has to p【8】 her guitar every day. She doesn’t think she is lucky.
24. 书面表达 详细信息
假如你是Rick, 你13岁。谈谈你的生活。必须包括以下内容,可适当发挥。要求:60—80字左右。
1. 你的学校生活很忙并快乐,早上6:20起床,穿衣,6:30刷牙,没许多时间吃早饭,所以吃得快。然后7:00去上学。
2. 你家离学校有多远,怎样去上学,花多长时间。在学校有许多规定,你必须遵守,你不能上学迟到。你们不能在过道上跑。你们不能和同学打架。
3. 你们上午有四节课,下午4:10课结束。你能游泳游得好,加入了游泳俱乐部,放学后,游半小时的泳,5:00回家,回家后先做作业,然后吃晚饭,饭后和父母散步。
4. 在周末,和朋友去动物园,我喜欢熊猫,熊猫很可爱,它们是中国的象征之一。