
1. 详细信息
Consumer Electronics Show(CES)is the global stage where the world’ s next-generation inventions are introduced towards the market place, and lots of companies are participating. Here are several of the amazing inventions that were introduced at the show in 2020.
August Wi-Fi Smart Lock
It’ s an intelligent door lock to protect your home, and it works on Wi-Fi. The lock doesn’t require any additional hardware to attach to it and can be used with the existing door lock. The owner can remotely access the door from anywhere to lock or unlock and can provide guest keys to family or friends. It keeps statistics and records of your door’s locks, unlocks, and who have visited.
Motion Pillow
It’s a pillow developed for anyone who has a snoring(打鼾)problem. The solution box detects, records, and analyses the sleeping person’ s snoring patterns. By changing the internal airbag’ s pressure, it fixes the position of the sleeping person’ s neck and head gently to improve their breathing. Three layers of noise-reducing material minimize the user’ s sleeping disturbance.
Aō Air
It’s a high-tech face-covering wearable air purifier with no tight seal on the mouth and nose. The purifier pulls air inside through a filtration(过滤)process and uses fans to create a clean area in front of the device. It’s designed in such a way that it can clean more than 98% of PM2.5 through filtration.
Transparent Hood
The company Continental showed off this revolutionary invention at CES 2020 that got the Best Vehicle Intelligence and Transportation Award. It’ s a technology that gives the driver the ability to see barriers and blind spots from the driving seat. Four cameras take surrounding pictures so that the driver can see the real-time blind spots and prevent even parking damage too.
【1】What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To show the wide popularity of CES.
B.To advertise a global stage called CES.
C.To predict some next-generation inventions.
D.To introduce some inventions at CES 2020.
【2】According to the text, August Wi-Fi Smart Lock ________.
A.has a storage function
B.serves only its owner
C.is uncontrollable from far away
D.requires extra hardware to work
【3】What can be known from the text?
A.August Wi-Fi Smart Lock he]ps improve the comfort of homes.
B.Aō Air produces completely pollution-free air for its users.
C.Transparent Hood helps make driving safer and easier.
D.Motion Pillow contributes to fighting against sleeplessness.
2. 详细信息
Laungi Bhuiyan, a pensioner from the Indian state of Bihar, has become known as “Canal Man” after it was discovered that he spent 30 years of his life digging a 3-kilometer-long water canal, all by himself, using hand tools.
The remote village of Kothilawa had always suffered water shortages, with most of the rainwater falling in the nearby hills flowing into the river, instead of towards the village. This was one of the reasons why some villagers moved away, but Laungi Bhuiyan made up his mind to take matters into his own hands, so he stayed behind. No one offered to help, so for three long decades he dug the 4-feet wide and 3-feet deep canal himself, using only whatever hand tools he had.
Kothilawa is surrounded by forests and mountains. During the rainy season, the water falling from the mountains used to flow straight into a river flowing through the area, but ever since Laungi Bhuiyan completed his 3-km-long canal, it’ s been collected in a pond near the village, allowing locals to raise animals and even irrigate crops, without worrying about water shortages.
Ever since word of his impressive achievements started spreading on social media, Bhuiyan has been nicknamed “Canal Man”. A Twitter user shared his unbelievable story and called Indian billionaire Anand Mahindra, asking him if he would support the Kothilawa hero by making a tractor available to him. “I think his canal is as impressive a monument as the Taj or the Pyramids. I’ d consider it an honor to have him use my tractor,” the billionaire replied.
While many have taken to social media to praise Laungi Bhuiyan for his perseverance(毅力), some said that had the Government done the job it was supposed to, the Kothilawa man needn’t have worked hard for decades, and locals would have benefited from the water canal much sooner. Others went as far as to suggest his work be recognized, and that he be provided with compensation.
【1】Why didn’t Laungi Bhuiyan move away from Kothilawa with other villagers?
A.He didn’t want to have his way of life changed.
B.He had great difficulty making a living elsewhere.
C.He decided to fix the problem of water shortages himself.
D.He wouldn’t separate from the village he’ d lived in for decades.
【2】What’ s the main function of the canal dug by Laungi Bhuiyan?
A.Irrigating crops and raising animals.
B.Channeling rainwater into the pond.
C.Transporting water from a nearby river.
D.Storing rainwater during the rainy season.
【3】What do Anand Mahindra’ s words in paragraph 4 reflect?
A.He thought highly of Laungi Bhuiyan.
B.Laungi Bhuiyan’ s canal is a place of interest.
C.He would complete the canal with Laungi Bhuiyan.
D.His tractor would greatly ease Laungi Bhuiyan’ s labour.
【4】What does the last paragraph imply?
A.Laungi Bhuiyan would be compensated with the help of social media.
B.There were different voices on Laungi Bhuiyan’ s decades-long work.
C.Laungi Bhuiyan’ s work was highly recognized by Indian authorities.
D.All people were not satisfied with Indian authorities’ performance.
3. 详细信息
The high Andes mountains of Peru are a hummingbirds’ paradise(蜂鸟的天堂), rich in wildflower nectar(花蜜)and low in natural enemies. But there’s one problem: the cold.
Nighttime temperatures often dip below freezing in these rainy tropical highlands. How does a six-gram bird that needs nectar from 500 flowers a day just to survive get enough extra energy to keep itself warm all night? It doesn’t. Instead, as temperatures drop, these hummingbirds enter a state known as torpor(冬眠). One species, the black metaltail, cools to 3.26℃, the coldest body temperature ever recorded in a bird or non-hibernating mammal(非冬眠的哺乳动物), researchers report in Biology Letters.
“They’ re cold as a rock,” says Blair Wolf, a physiological ecologist at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. “If you didn’t know better, you’ d think they were dead. Cooling to near-death temperatures lets the hummingbirds save precious energy, allowing them to survive the cold night and get ready to feed the next day.”
Standing upright, the birds pointed their bills upwards, loosened their feathers and stopped moving. All of the species entered some kind of torpor, but the black metaltail cooled the most, dropping from a daytime temperature of about 40℃ to just above freezing.
“During the day, these hummingbirds’ hearts can beat 1,200 times a minute to power their crazy lifestyle. But during torpor, their heart rates drop to as low as 40 beats a minute. It’ s an astonishing drop,” Wolf says, “and it could allow these high-altitude birds to cut their energy use by about 95 percent. By not wasting energy trying to stay warm, these birds can live as high as 5,000 meters above sea level.”
When the sun begins to rise, the hummingbirds start warming about a degree a minute by shaking their muscles. “You see the bird trembling there, then all of a sudden its eyes pop open and it’ s ready to go, ” Wolf says.
【1】What makes Andes mountains a perfect living place for hummingbirds?
A.Its high altitude. B.Its climate conditions.
C.Its animal species diversity. D.Its abundance of wildflowers.
【2】How does the black metaltail hummingbird survive cold nights?
A.By freezing itself nearly solid. B.By eating enough nectar before dusk.
C.By stopping breathing and heartbeats. D.By hiding its bill in its loosened feathers.
【3】What do Wolf’ s words reflect about the hummingbirds?
A.They tremble for warmth at night. B.They consume no energy at night.
C.They are quite adaptive. D.They have a big heart.
【4】The hummingbird’ s warming process _________.
A.ends before sunrise B.takes 40 minutes or so
C.is rather difficult D.happens with its eyes open
4. 详细信息
Children whose fathers make time to play with them from a very young age may find it easier to control their behaviour and emotions as they grow up, research suggests.
Although there are many similarities between fathers and mothers, the findings suggest that fathers participate in more physical play even with the youngest children. This seems to help children learn to control their feelings. It may also make them better at supervising their own behaviour later on.
Paul Ramchandani, professor of Play in Education, Development and Learning at the University of Cambridge, said, “It’ s important not to overstate the influence of father-child play as there are limits to what the research can tell us, but it does seem that children who get a reasonable amount of playtime with their father benefit as a group.”
Parent-child play in the first years of life is known to support basic social, cognitive and communication skills, but most research focuses on mothers and babies. The Cambridge review used data from 78 studies, undertaken between 1977 and 2017—most of them in Europe or North America. The researchers analysed the combined information for patterns about how often fathers and children play together, the nature of that play, and any possible link with children’ s development.
In almost all the studies surveyed, there was a consistent relation between father-child play and children’ s subsequent ability to control their feelings. Children who enjoyed high-quality playtime with their fathers were less likely to exhibit emotional and behavioral problems. They also appeared to be better at controlling their aggression, and less likely to attack other children during disagreements at school.
“Physical play creates fun, exciting situations in which children have to apply self-control,” Ramchandani said. “You might have to control your strength. It’ s a safe environment in which children can practise how to respond. If they react the wrong way, they might get told off, but it’ s not the end of the world—and next time they might remember to behave differently.”
【1】The underlined word “supervising” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.acknowledging B.regulating
C.exhibiting D.understanding
【2】Which of the following statements would Paul Ramchandani probably agree with?
A.Father-child play is extremely influential.
B.The research still has space for improvement.
C.Fathers needn’t correct children’ s behaviour at play.
D.Physical play should be carried out with great caution.
【3】What does the text say about the Cambridge review?
A.It lasted for more than four decades.
B.It focused on early parent-child play.
C.It made full use of others’ research fruits.
D.It stressed the importance of the length of playtime.
【4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.To Develop Self-Controllable Children, Play with Them
B.Playing Enables Children to Improve Their Self-Control
C.Playing Together May Benefit Father-Child Relationship
D.Playtime with Dad May Improve Children’ s Self-Control
5. 详细信息
Most people want to get healthier and look younger, yet they can’ t seem to find the time for it.
【1】 However, it does require a small amount of commitment and a big love for being refreshed. Here are some tips for healthy living:
● Enjoy a glass of water first thing in the morning. If you haven’ t got time for anything else in the morning, make time to drink a big glass of water. 【2】 To refresh our cells, we need to supply them with water and oxygen. Drink a glass of water and within a week you will begin to feel less tired.
● Grab a few fresh fruits on your way out. Wherever you are going—whether it is a walk or drive to the supermarket or on your way to a meeting—pick up one or two fruits and eat them. If you leave for work in the morning and don’t return until evening, take a few fruits and eat them throughout the day. 【3】
● Do deep breathing. When you’ve got time—at your desk, driving the car, cooking food—do some deep breathing. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is one of the best things we can do for our blood and cells.
●【4】 If you work in an office, get up every 30 minutes and go for a walk. If you have an office with stairs, run up and down the stairs every couple of hours. Get your blood flowing and your muscles moving.
● Eat a handful of nuts. Get your favorite selection of nuts before you leave home for work and have a big handful of them at around 3 pm. 【5】
A.Exercise on the go.
B.Watch out for travel.
C.It’ s always hard at the beginning.
D.We lose a lot of oxygen through the night.
E.Actually, healthy living doesn’t have to be hard.
F.This helps to increase afternoon energy and productivity.
G.Their nutrients, vitamins and sugars are what our body requires.
6. 完形填空 详细信息
The winter had been long and boring. I ____ needed a break, so I decided to book a trip to the Caribbean with a friend. I was planning my trip during lunch break when I was ____ of the news that I was fired.
___ my trip wasn’t a good option, as I needed it now more than ever. The night before my trip, I had a dream that my friend came to pick me up to go to the airport. I had two suitcases at the door—one was ____ and the other was empty. When I reached the airport, I ____ I’ d brought the empty one.
When I woke up, I ____ this dream to mean that I was leaving all of my “baggage” behind—and I did. I enjoyed my ____ more than any others I’ d taken. Having had time and distance from my work break-up and a dream about ____ my old baggage, I was looking forward to returning and starting the next chapter of my life.
I knew I wasn’t going to obtain a ____ right away, so I attempted to do one of the things I loved but never had ____ to do: writing. I’ d never published anything before, but I wanted to have a ____. I wrote a few pieces. Most amateurs would ____ smaller publications, but I sent them to the bigger, well-known ones. After several non-responses and ____, my efforts paid off. The most-read newspaper in Canada ____ to publish one of my travel stories.
Now I work full-time as a(n)____ and have published articles in a number of North American magazines. Getting ____ was a life-altering experience for me that could have been _____. I’ll be the first to admit that it was difficult to ____. But there was something about the dream I had after it happened. That dream, in which I ____ carried on with an empty suitcase, helped me put everything behind me and made me ____ to pursue new careers.
【1】A.abruptly B.slightly C.desperately D.frequently
【2】A.accused B.convinced C.reminded D.informed
【3】A.Canceling B.Enjoying C.Arranging D.Continuing
【4】A.marked B.equipped C.packed D.decorated
【5】A.suspected B.realized C.announced D.remembered
【6】A.interpreted B.chose C.accomplished D.advised
【7】A.sleep B.hobby C.work D.vacation
【8】A.storing B.handling C.discovering D.removing
【9】A.position B.certificate C.promotion D.compensation
【10】A.money B.time C.interest D.patience
【11】A.favor B.chance C.lesson D.try
【12】A.approach B.grasp C.evaluate D.recognize
【13】A.recreations B.restrictions C.rejections D.regulations
【14】A.afforded B.agreed C.managed D.compromised
【15】A.speaker B.amateur C.designer D.writer
【16】A.hurt B.defeated C.unemployed D.ignored
【17】A.disastrous B.invalid C.ridiculous D.meaningless
【18】A.leave off B.go through C.figure out D.keep back
【19】A.ambitiously B.happily C.stubbornly D.deliberately
【20】A.proud B.lucky C.confident D.curious
7. 详细信息
For centuries, people dreamed about leaving Earth and travelling to other worlds. Then, in 1957, the Soviet Union 【1】(make) the first small step into space 【2】 sending up a small satellite called Sputnik.
Early space activities were conducted 【3】(main) by the United States and the Soviet Union. But as time went by, Europe and Japan also learned how to build 【4】(they)own satellites and rockets. Today, countries such as China, India, South Korea, Israel and Brazil are also developing space industries.
During the last 60 years, unmanned probes(探测器)have been sent towards many of the planets 【5】(exist) in the Solar System. Many space observatories, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, have been created to look at the 【6】(distance) universe. They have sent back some amazing pictures taken in visible(可见的)light. And they can also observe stars that are invisible to human eyes. The flood of 【7】(discovery)has changed the way we look at the universe.
More than 500 people have flown in space since Yuri Gagarin paved the way in 1961. 20 people have travelled to the moon, 12 of 【8】 have walked on the moon. So far, space stations 【9】(build), and astronauts have learned to live and work in space for many months 【10】 even years.
8. 改错 详细信息
I often cook delicious food for those who were homeless. But last Saturday my only stove suddenly broke down, leaving me unable to continuing my act of kindness.
One of my good friends found it out about that. Yesterday afternoon he bought new stove and delivered it to my house. It was something total unexpected from him. I kept expressing my thank to him. Therefore, he just said, “You have done so much for others, including me. This is the least thing which I can do to repay you to all your kindness.” His words made me deeply moving.
9. 书面表达 详细信息
The most impressive trip in my life
I’m an enthusiastic travel lover.