
A. Attraction  B. originally  C. enthusiastically  D. command  E. satisfy F. favorable   G. approval   H. treasured      I. viewed     J. developed  K. considerable Public image doesn't make money directly, nor is it anything visible. However, excellent public image is such an important thing that it is   19   desired by every company, enterprise, institution, etc. Public image refers to how a company is   20    by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders (股东), by the financial community, by the communities where it operates, and by federal and local go小海同学学习了力学知识后,他想用自己的足球探究有关力的问题,于是他做了以下几个实验,请你帮他把得到的结论填上. 实验方法与现象结论1用脚踢足球,足球变扁 2用脚踢足球,足球飞出去后撞到球门柱被弹回 3用力越大,足球被踢得越远 4有力向前踢,足球向前飞;用力倒勾,足球向后飞 5踢足球正中,足球平飞;擦边踢,足球旋转飞出去 6用脚踢足球时,脚总会感到疼痛 
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