
阅读下列材料: 自契丹取燕蓟以北,拓跋自得灵夏以西,期间所生英豪,皆为其用。得中国土地,役中国人力,称中国位号,仿中国官属,任中国贤才,读中国书刊,用中国车服,行中国法令。是二敌所为,皆与中国等。 ——李焘《续资治通鉴长编》 请回答: (1)“二敌”指什么? (2)“二敌”在哪些地方仿效了中原王朝? (3)“二敌”的上述作法突出地反映了一种什么社会现象?八、阅读表达    Could you help me,please? I can't find my son. He's only four years old. His name is Marlin. He has a long face,two big black eyes and a big nose. His hair is black and very short. He is in a dark blue (深蓝色) T-shirt and light grey trousers (淡灰色长裤) . He likes little animals and cars. There is a toy (玩具) car in his hand. It's red.    Please help me find him. My phone number is 685-1234. My name is Alice Jones. Thank you.1. How old is Alice's son?                                 2. What's the boy's name?                                 3. What does the boy look like?                                 4. What clothes is the boy wearing?                                 5. What does the boy like?                                 6. What's in the boy's hand?                                 
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