
缺词填空  请根据短文内容,填写所缺单词,每空一词。 What will the world of 2045 look like? Do you want to know a  1   that? Six experts have their predictions (预测).    The experts predict that in 2045, your phone, car and computer might read your f 2  . For example, when you are typing text into a computer, the computer m  3   know about your mood. If you are unhappy, your computer might not l  4   you read emails with bad news. W  5   you are driving a car, the car might also be a  6   to read your feeling. If the car decides you are angr压敏电阻的阻值随所受压力的增大而减小。某实验小组在升降机水平地面上利用压敏电阻设计了判断升降机运动状态的装置。其工作原理图如图甲所示,将压敏电阻、定值电阻R、电流显示器、电源E连成电路,在压敏电阻上放置一个绝缘重物。0—t1时间内升降机停在某一楼层处,t1时刻升降机开始运动,从电流显示器中得到电路中电流i随时间t变化情况如图乙所示。则下列判断正确的是A.t1—t2时间内绝缘重物处于超重状态B.t3—t4时间内绝缘重物处于失重状态C.升降机开始时可能停在10楼,从t1时刻开始,经向下加速、匀速、减速,最后停在l楼D.升降机开始时可能停在l楼,从t1时刻开始,经向上加速、匀速、减速,最后停在10楼
英语 试题推荐