
I worked in a restaurant. One night, a woman came in with three small children. As a waiter, I could   41   tell who is going to tip well and who isn’t going to tip at all. She asked about the   42   of everything on the menu, but she ordered    43  water to drink. Her daughter asked her “Mum, can I have milk?” The woman pulled out her purse and   44   her change before saying yes. Then I was   45   that I wouldn’t get a tip. At the   46   of the meal, she paid entirely in coins. When I went back to clear the table, to my   47  , there were a lot o(2014秋•南京校级期末)下列不属于湿热地区乡村聚落建筑特点的是(  )A.厚墙加小窗B.上层住人,下层空着C.双层木楼或竹楼D.屋顶坡度较大
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