
A. approach    B. shape   C. previously  D. evident   E. secret    F. date G. hardly     H.remains          I. irrelevant    J. potential    K. particularly Swedish   Archaeologists Make New Discoveries Archaeologists have begun exploring an unknown ancient city at a village called Vlochos , five hours north of Athens . The Archaeological ____31______are scattered on and around the Strongiloveni hill on the great Thessaliam plains and can be traced to several historical periods. “What used to be considered remains of some _____32____settlement can n13、著名的“乡愁诗人”余光中先生祖籍泉州永春,21岁时离开大陆到了台湾,64岁才得以回乡探亲。少小离家老大回,诗人百感交集,吟诵了一副对联以寄心声。请根据上联,对出下联。(3分) 上联:掉头一去风吹黑发 下联:                       
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