
I don’t know what it is. No matter___61____ I go to a post office and no matter where the post office is, I always find____62___ (me) standing in line behind someone who has a lot of business to do. One day, I had to buy a couple of stamps, but I had to wait behind an old lady who took fifteen minutes____63___(finish) a form that a child could do in one minute.____64____( feel) that I could not stand waiting in such a line any longer, I decided to join____65____ one. It seemed twice as ____66____as the first line, but at least it was moving. It turned out to be the worst choice I ha“低碳”是世界各国共同关注的话题。(1)空气中少量的二氧化碳对动植物的生命活动具有重要的意义。绿色植物通过________作用吸收CO2,通过_________作用将CO2释放到大气中。(2)二氧化碳排放量过多就会引起温室效应。为了减缓大气中CO2含量的增加,以下建议合理的是______(填字母)。A.减少使用各种一次性用品,如纸杯、餐盒B.减少煤等含碳燃料的燃烧量C.垃圾分类回收D.大力发展公共交通(3)减缓温室效应,科学家正在研究如下图所示的二氧化碳循环体系。 从图中分析得出的下列结论中,正确的是____________(填字母)。A.该技术有助于缓解全球面临的能源危机B.二氧化碳与氢气在复合催化剂下反应产物是混合物C.该循环过程所用的催化剂一定是指二氧化锰(4)有一种将CO2转化的实验流程如右图所示,该实验流程中CO2转化的最终产物为_________(填化学式,下同),有一种可循环利用的物质是_____________。
英语 试题推荐