
某同学进行研究性学习,想从源头上了解“天赋人权”和“人民主权”思想。他最应该阅读的著作是(   ) A.《论法的精神》    B.《九十五条论纲》   C.《社会契约论》  D.《纯粹理性批判》 答案:C A: 1.____________________.B: Why do you like to see pandas?A: 2.____________________.B: 3.____________________?A: I like to see elephants, too. Because they can dance.B: Really? 4._____________. By the way, do you want to be an assistant in the zoo?A: Well, to work for animals is interesting, but kind of dangerous. I don’t like it.B: 5.___________________ ?A: I want to be a reporter. I can meet many famous (著名的) people.A. What other animals do you want to see B. What do you want to beC. Let’s go to see the pandas D. That sounds interestingE .Because they are beautiful, but kind of shy 
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