
单词拼写 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。 1. The theory put forward by Edison was so a        (深奥的) that only a few scientists at the time could understand it. 2. He has been under great s____________ (压力)these days because the exam is coming. 3. His English is not too bad—it is slightly above the ________(平均) level. 4. The thief ____________(惊慌) at the sight of the policeman and tried to run off. 5. It is believed that this visit will s_____________ the relationship between the two下列句子中画线的成语使用有误的一项是 [     ]A.我市短小精悍的民俗节目《鼓盆歌》,在举世瞩目的上海世博会上亮相。 B.当西方世界还在经济危机的迷雾中彷徨,生机勃勃的华夏大地,首先传导出经济复苏妙手回春的强烈信号。 C.登上市郊真武山,举目远眺,只见青山如屏,绿水如带,令人心旷神怡。 D.在阳光明媚、春风和煦的时节,泛舟风光旖旎,美不胜收的襄阳古护城河,那真是惬意无比啊!
英语 试题推荐