
若夫日出而林霏开,云归而岩穴暝,晦明变化者,山间之朝暮也。野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴,风霜高洁,水落而石出者,山间之四时也。朝而往,暮而归,四时之景不同,而乐亦无穷也。 至于负者歌于涂,行者休于树,前者呼,后者应,伛偻提携,往来而不绝者,滁人游也。临溪而渔,溪深而鱼肥,酿泉为酒,泉香而酒洌,山肴野蔌,杂然而前陈者,太守宴也。宴酣之乐,非丝非竹,射者中,弈者胜,觥筹交错,起坐而喧哗者,众宾欢也。苍颜单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. After he _________ (毕业)from Beijing University,he went to Shanghai and began his scientific research. 2.  __________(下决心) to go abroad, Timmy spent most of his time in taking the IELTS. 3. To the great _________(满意) of the boss, all his workers finished their work ahead of time. 4. With the world developing fast, people are faced with many problems, particularly the_________(老龄化) problem. 5. On _________(平均来说),boys are smarter in figures than girls. 6. Tina was lucky enough to pass her driving test on her second a________ while the others failed. 7.  I don’t like to live in Harbin because it is f________ cold in winter. 8.  Such information will be readily a_________ if we surf the Internet. 9. There is no doubt that r_________ the school rules is what we students must do for sure. 10.  In the performance, men should wear suits in office. S_________, women should wear dresses.
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