
列宁说:“目前的新事物,就是我国革命在经济建设的一些根本问题上必须采取‘改良主义的、渐进主义的、审慎迂回的行动方式’。”这种“改良主义的”行动方式与以邓.小平为核心的党中央实行的改革开放政策在内容上的相似之处是( ) ①都是为了发展生产力,发展社会主义经济 ②都是从农村改革入手,前者实行余粮收集制,我国则推行家庭联产承包责任制 ③都允许私人办企业 ④都是利用商品市场发展经济 A.①③④    B.③④    C.八、根据首字母和短文意思,将单词补全完整。(10%)A few days ago,my mom went to visit my grandparents. She wanted to stay there for a few days. It was the first time that Dad and I 1 at home without Mom. 2 the first day,Dad and I went out for a dinner. The next morning,we 3 got up late. I went to school without (没有) eating breakfast. I didn't feel 4 all day long. After school 5 I got home,I looked around. What a mess (杂乱) !I had to clean the rooms and did the dishes and the laundry. I was 6 after d6ing all of the housework. That evening I got a 7 from Mom. She said she would come back the next day. I felt very happy to 8 that. At that time I realized that Mom did 9 housework everyday. I told my dad that we should 10 to help Mom. He agreed (同意) .() 1. A. studied   B. worked   C. stayed   D. did() 2. A. On   B. In   C. At   D. Of() 3. A. both   B. all   C. only   D. either() 4. A. hungry   B. sorry   C. tired   D. well() 5. A. before   B. when   C. until   D. after() 6. .A. busy   B. angry   C. happy   D. tired() 7. A. call   B. meal   C. book   D. e-mail() 8. A. listen   B. hear    C. care   D. say() 9. A. a little   B. too many   C. much too   D. too much() 10. A. want   B. stop   C. forget   D. try
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