
When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely lame and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would feel ashamed at the unwanted attention. If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on, nor did he say anything about it.  It was difficult to coordinate(协调) our steps—his pausing, my impatience—and because of that, we didn’t say much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said, “You set the pace, I will try to adjust to you.” Our usual walk was to or from种子萌发时需要空气,其根本原因是( )A.种子在不停地吸收水分 B.种子在不停地提供营养C.种子在不停地进行呼吸 D.种子在不停地运输养料
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