
71. The family had to move to a much smaller house in order to manage __________(以减轻经济负担). 72. At that moment, the door __________ open(门开了), and Roy walked in. 73. It was here that I discovered that I was__________ (过敏的) to the tiny flies which bit me and made my face swell. 74. It was a great __________(荣幸)to hear her sing. 75. He was a very __________ (体贴的) boy for someone so young. 76. Her evidence suggests a different __________ (解释)of the events. 77. At the i__________(休息,间隔), wine was served. 78. The activit若在抛物线y=ax2(a>0)的上方做一个半径为r的圆与抛物线相切于原点O,且该圆与抛物线没有别的公共点,则r的最大值是?
英语 试题推荐