
. 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共40分) 第一节  单词拼写:(每题1分, 共10分。请注意形式,形式错误不得分。) 56. One of her ____________ (雄心) is to become a musician. 57. He is unwilling to           (承认) defeat. 58. It is reported that the rainforest is disappearing at an ___________ (令人惊慌的) rate. 59. If you want your plan to meet with his _________ (赞许), you’d better explain it in detail. 60. She has formed the habit of ___________(反思) on what she reads every time she finishes reading a book. 61. Mr. Green is an a__________ p如图所示,某同学在做俯卧撑运动,可将他视为一个杠杆,他的重心在A点,重力为500N,那么他将身体撑起,双手对地面的压力至少______N,若他在1min内做了20个俯卧撑,每次肩部上升的距离均为0.4m,则他的功率至少为______W.
英语 试题推荐