
近代中国第一个留美学生容闳认为,干王的见闻较之其他诸王和领导人广阔些,甚至超过了洪秀全。容闳作出这一判断的主要依据是                                    A.干王的主张具有资本主义色彩    B.干王最早主张向西方探寻真理 C.干王的主张符合太平天国实际    D.干王的主张代表先进阶级利益用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空【1】We plan to visit some ______ places during the summer holiday.【2】There is a beautiful picture ______ the table.【3】After you ______ your homework, you can go out to play with your friends.【4】A lot of old people dance in the ______ in the morning.【5】These ______ are very beautiful. Are they expensive?
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